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2372 Morse Ave, Irvine, CA 92614
Beverly Hills

9777 Wilshire Blvd. #400, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
San Diego

12526 High Bluff Dr #300, San Diego, CA 92130
San Francisco

1 Sansome St #3500, San Francisco, CA 94104

Sole Proprietors

Sole Proprietors

A sole proprietorship is the simplest of the many types of business ownership. A sole proprietorship is a single-owner business that is not registered with the state as a corporation or as a limited liability company (LLC). In fact, you may be a sole proprietor already without knowing it. If you work on a freelance, commission, or independent contractor basis, you are automatically a sole proprietor, and you should learn about registering a business and consult quickly with an experienced Orange County sole proprietorship attorney at the Citadel Law Corporation. As a sole proprietor, you may have to comply with a number of laws and regulations to make your sole proprietorship business fully legal. Also as a sole proprietor, you take personal responsibility for paying all income taxes and business debts. Let an experienced Orange County sole proprietorship attorney at the Citadel Law Corporation help.


If your business fails to pay a supplier, loses a lawsuit, or defaults on a debt, the creditor can take legal action to seize your home and other possessions. An experienced sole proprietorship attorney can examine your operation and your insurance coverage to determine if you are adequately protected. A good business attorney can also suggest policies and procedures that can protect you in the future and keep minor legal matters from exploding into damaging legal disputes. If you need legal advice regarding proprietorship registration, small business financing, hiring and discrimination laws, zoning and environmental regulations, taxes, obtaining a fictitious sole proprietorship business name, or any other aspect of business law, you need to consult with an experienced attorney you can trust.


If you’re a sole proprietor, you need to have quick access to trustworthy legal advice. The answer? Work with an experienced Orange County sole proprietorship attorney at the Citadel Law Corporation. The Citadel Law Corporation offers legal services designed to help the entrepreneur starting a sole proprietorship – or the veteran operating one for years – remain legally compliant and prosperous. Whether you need to register a fictitious name or defend against a potentially damaging lawsuit, promptly contact the Citadel Law Corporation to discuss your legal needs. Call 949-852-8181 to schedule an appointment with an attorney

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